What is it that makes the Gnome Maiden IRRESISTABLE? What truly DOES bring all the boys to the yard? Check out this exclusive WINTER release of fashionable Gnome Hats! After all….there's no place like GNOME!

“Call them what you want. Garden gnomes. Lawn ornaments. Little evil outdoor statuary hell-bent on world domination. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that, right now, they’re hiding in plain sight, pretending to be symbols of merriment and good will.” — Chuck Sambuchino
For the first week of 2024, Damsel in this Dress Corsets is doing a whole corset & costume collection INSPIRED by LAWN GNOMES! So, pull up a toad stool, get your tackiest lawn ornaments, and come and have a garden party with us! Releases January 4th, 2023 at 7 PM MT RIGHT HERE!