Repairs - For items that you send in to be fixed *Technically "free", but we had to put in SOME kind of price!
*metal boning popping out
*metal boning snapping and needing repaired
*stitching coming apart.
I do my very very best to make these things indestructible, but sometimes where are little weak points, mishaps, or inner workings that cause issues. I would love to fix them for you to the best of my abilities! ***IF I CANNOT FIX YOUR CORSET, WE WILL OFFER YOU STORE CREDIT FOR ANOTHER SIMILAR TYPE ITEM!*** This is obviously within reason. If your dog chewed up your corset, I am probably not gonna give you a pass. ;)
BEFORE you read my description below, you should know that if you want a repair done, you MUST tell me WHAT needs repaired in the "comments" box at checkout. Otherwise, I'll get the corset and have no idea what to do. It would also be VERY WISE to email us (at seamstress@damseldress.com) to make sure this a repair that can be done (or we might have several more back and forth emails followed by us returning your corset with no repairs and only a partial refund because we need to pay for shipping back...)
*To Get a Repair Done:
-Print out your order, along with the comments on what needs repaired!
-It can be REALLY helpful if you stick a safety pin or post-it note right on the area that needs repaired, then I don't have to look for it!
-Put corset AND invoice in box. Be SURE that your address is correct, and feel free to leave any other helpful comments or concerns
-Mail to Damsel in this Dress/REPAIRS 1548 American Way, UNIT C, Payson, UT 84651